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Portion of the companies’ total profits this represents

: 1/3

Minutes of reporting on the Iraq war aired so far this year on network-television news programs

: 14

Chance that a new Afghan police recruit knows how to read

: 1 in 10

Percentage of Afghan police units that the U.S. military believes are capable of operating without assistance

: 12

Minimum number of Palestinians who have had their residency rights revoked by Israel since 2003

: 6,739

Number of those that are legally imported into Gaza

: 73

Estimated number of categories of products that are currently available for sale in the Gaza Strip

: 4,000

Estimated number of wild coyotes killed or trapped by hunters in Arizona last year

: 30,000

Date that Arizona banned ethnic-studies classes that teach hatred of “other races or classes of people” in public schools

: 5/11/10

Chance that an Arizona voter is

: 1 in 6

Chances that an Arizonan is Latino

: 3 in 10

Percentage of Mexicans in a 2009 survey who said the “primary loyalty” of Mexican Americans should be to Mexico

: 69

Number of the 25 largest U.S. cities in which immigrants hold more white-collar jobs than blue-collar jobs

: 14

Chance that a publicly traded U.S. company started with venture-capital funds was founded by immigrants

: 1 in 4

Minimum value of all stocks currently held by life- and health-insurance firms in U.S. fast-food companies

: $1,880,000,000

Percentage change in the number of registered users at since December 2008

: +300

Estimated cost of the environmental damage caused each year by the world’s 3,000 largest companies

: $2,200,000,000,000

Number of industrial facilities found by the EPA to have been in continuous violation of the Clean Air Act since 2007

: 2,000

Percentage of all political contributions made last year by the ten largest U.S. hedge fund firms that went to Democrats

: 71

Percentage of federal bailout loan payments made by GM that have been made with federal bailout funds

: 100

Minimum number of children under 18 who have received first-time-homebuyer tax credits from the IRS since 2008

: 582

Amount New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s foundation deposited in Caribbean tax shelters in 2008

: $288,000,000

Percentage change since 2008 in the number of American expatriates who have given up their citizenship

: +220

Number of clemency requests Barack Obama has approved since entering office, of the 2,482 he has considered

: 0

Number of other presidents since 1900 who considered this many requests before approving his first

: 0

Years that a single Freedom of Information Act request has been under consideration by the government

: 18

Chances that a FOIA request, in any given year, has been made by or on behalf of a U.S. non-media business

: 3 in 5

Odds, given by an online bookmaker, that the Large Hadron Collider will confirm the existence of God

: 100:1

Percentage of Italians there who would

: 1

Percentage of English soccer fans in North America who would fast for a week to see their country win the World Cup

: 93

Percentage of Americans in 1973 and 2006 who considered air conditioning a “necessity”

: 26, 70

Average number of Americans hospitalized each July with sparkler injuries

: 1,020

Number of U.S. states that currently ban involuntary implanting of microchips into a person’s body

: 4

Percentage of Americans in a 2009 survey who said they were “satisfied” with their family lives

: 90

Number of U.S. states in which it is legal for first cousins to marry

: 19

Minimum number of people arrested in Lahore, Pakistan, in February for selling or flying kites

: 113

Chances that a young Egyptian woman thinks a man should be allowed to beat his wife for speaking to another man

: 2 in 3

Number of Mexican states where legal penalties for abortion are more severe for women found to be of “ill repute”

: 8

Percentage change since 2007 in the number of alleged sexual assaults committed by U.S. service members

: +18
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