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Number of these who were elected to the seat occupied by their former boss

: 30

Number of current members of Congress who are former congressional staffers

: 75

Estimated cost to locate, process, and deport all illegal immigrants in the United States

: $285,000,000,000

Percentage change in U.S. wages for every one point increase in the percentage of foreign-born workers in the labor force

: +0.5

Chance that a U.S. household today is multigenerational

: 1 in 6

Minimum number of Americans who receive their Social Security benefits on prepaid debit cards

: 1,000,000

Number of U.S. corporations that have promoted the Census to their customers and employees this year

: 55,000

Percentage that it classifies as “fun for you” or “better for you”

: 82

Percentage, by revenue, of PepsiCo’s products that the company classifies as “good for you”

: 18

Percentage of American public high schools that have vending machines on campus

: 97

Percentage of its public schools that Kansas City, Missouri, will close before the school year begins

: 46

Percentage of British elementary-school students who think Isaac Newton discovered fire

: 60

Portion of funding to the U.K. Conservative Party that comes from ten individuals

: 1/5

Average percentage in districts whose representatives voted against reform

: 15

Average percentage of residents without insurance in districts whose representatives voted for health-care reform

: 13

Percentage of all U.S. stimulus funds for renewable energy since last September that have gone to foreign companies

: 79

Average age in 1959, 1909, and 1789, respectively

: 58, 58, 47

Average age of a sitting U.S. senator

: 64

Chances that a U.S. public school cafeteria does not serve either fresh fruits or raw vegetables daily

: 2 in 5

Percentage of the French who think it “somewhat” or “very” possible they will one day become homeless

: 56

Number of homeless people in France and the United States, respectively, per 1,000 residents

: 2, 5

Median net worth of a white American woman aged 36 to 49

: $42,600

Median net worth of a nonwhite American woman that age

: $5

Number of Americans who wrote in “Negro” to describe their race on the 2000 Census

: 56,175

Retail price at one Louisiana Walmart in March for an African-American Ballerina Barbie doll

: $3

Price for a white Ballerina Barbie

: $5.93

Fee charged since 1951 by South Carolina to anyone registering as a “subversive agent”

: $5

Total number of registrants before and after, respectively, a news story about the program appeared this February

: 0, 13

Number of the thirteen who paid with Confederate money

: 1

Total value of the 10,149 U.S. companies acquired since 2001 by foreign interests

: $1,480,000,000,000

Percentage of Colombians and Americans, respectively, who say this

: 57, 7

Percentage of Chinese who say they intend to start a business within the next three years

: 23

Percentage change in the past year in the average value of urban real estate in China

: +140

Projected ratio, in 2015, of the total surplus of Chinese boys caused by gender selection to the total population of U.S. boys

: 1:1

Number of Chinese boys born for every 100 girls born between 1985 and 1989

: 108

Number of press conferences that China’s prime minister holds each year

: 1

Days that have elapsed since Barack Obama’s last such conference

: 278

Longest period, in days, between formal televised news conferences by George W. Bush

: 204

Percentage change since the fall of 2008 in total DEA seizures of marijuana

: +94
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