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Percentage change since 2003 in the number of newspaper reporters covering state legislatures

: ???32

Number of front-page Boston Globe stories since 2007 that have been written by journalism students

: 12

Months after being shot at a city council meeting last year that a Missouri reporter was laid off

: 14

Total number of minutes during President Obama’s first 100 days that network-TV news shows devoted to Afghanistan

: 62

Percentage change since 1985 in the number of U.S. newspapers with reporters covering Congress

: ???72

Minimum number of Spanish collection agencies whose employees wear costumes in order to shame debtors into paying

: 15

Number of poppyseed bagels that could be made with Afghanistan’s annual poppy harvest

: 357,000,000,000

Amount that Japan is offering unemployed foreigners of Japanese descent to leave the country

: $3,100

Minimum value of governmental bailouts of the global financial industry since 2007, per capita worldwide

: $1,250

Amount this represents as a percentage of the median annual income worldwide

: 39

Estimated total amount that world financial institutions will write off by 2010, according to the IMF

: $4,100,000,000,000

Portion of these bad loans and securities that originated in the United States

: 2/3

Percentage of rich Americans who say they have “lost faith in the integrity of financial service institutions”

: 64

Percentage who say that they now “shop with coupons fairly regularly”

: 65

Percentage of Americans who have made premature withdrawals from their retirement or college savings since 2008

: 27

Amount that Utah plans to raise by levying an $8 “conviction fee” against each person found guilty there

: $2,800,000

Number of U.S. states that have proposed expansion of their gambling laws, including legalization, this year

: 16

Projected percentage growth this year in off-the-books transactions in the United States

: 9

Percentage change since 2007 in the average cost of a U.S. wedding

: ???24

Percentage change since last year in the amount Americans spent on canning and freezing supplies

: +29

Chance that an American thinks “the Jews” were moderately or very much to blame for the financial crisis

: 1 in 4

Chance he or she thinks they were “a little” to blame

: 1 in 7

Minimum number of Americans whose health care is paid for by taxes

: 83,000,000

Number they devoted to pirates off the Horn of Africa

: 104

Percentage of Somalis last winter who thought pirates were “protecting Somalia”

: 70

Number of new Justice Department lawyers so far who previously represented the Recording Industry Association of America

: 5

Minimum number of “czars” Obama has appointed

: 17

Price paid last winter for the foreclosed boyhood home of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

: $83,000

Percentage of Democrats and Republicans, respectively, who approved of Obama’s job performance in April

: 93, 30

Percentage of Americans in April who identified themselves as Republican

: 27

Percentage who said the same month that “socialism is better than capitalism”

: 20

Percentage of six- to nine-year-old American girls who wear lipstick or lip gloss

: 46

Number of U.S. children who attend public boarding schools

: 4,040

Number of U.S. senators who have law degrees

: 53

Number of the nine members of the Chinese Communist Party’s governing body who were trained as engineers

: 8

Estimated percentage change since last year in the number of Chinese factories producing fireworks for the U.S. market

: ???26

Number of the Founding Fathers who were gay, according to Larry Kramer

: 2

Estimated value of the unmined uranium under a 100-acre area in southern Virginia

: $7,740,000,000

Number of readings and other events listed so far this year on

: 286

Chances that a top-ten U.S. bestselling book since January has been a book about vampires by Stephenie Meyer

: 2 in 5
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