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Percentage of Americans in a February survey who said they would act immorally to keep their jobs

: 28

Estimated percentage of this year’s college seniors who will graduate without having secured a job

: 70

Percentage change in FDR’s first sixty days

: +43.5

Number of vasectomies the clinic performed during the campaign

: 75

Percentage of Tennesseans in a March survey who said they had heard a racist joke about Obama

: 70

Percentage who thought the joke was funny

: 16

Percentage who had themselves told the joke

: 15

Date on which Barack Obama implemented new ethics guidelines restricting former lobbyists’ roles in government

: 1/21/09

Days later that he waived the guidelines for the deputy secretary of defense

: 1

Number of Kentucky officials indicted in March for vote-buying and tampering with electronic voting machines

: 6

Number of election years in which they are accused of having changed votes

: 3

Minimum value of assets the band U2 has offshored from Ireland to the Netherlands each year since 2006

: $27,400,000

Amount the ABBA tribute band Bjorn Again says it was paid to play a concert for Vladimir Putin in January

: $27,500

Estimated street value of drugs seized last March at three Phish reunion shows in Hampton, Virginia

: $1,200,000

Average number of sex offenders castrated by the Czech government each year

: 9

Percentage by which a Georgia sperm bank cut their sales price for “select” sperm last March

: 38

Percentage of teenage girls who say their boyfriend or girlfriend has hit or slapped them, according to the CDC

: 9

Percentage of boys who have been hit by their girlfriends or boyfriends

: 11

Rank of Texas among states with the nation’s highest teen-pregnancy rates

: 3

Percentage of Texas public-school districts that teach abstinence as their only form of sex education

: 94

Additional hours per day a urology clinic in Austin, Texas, stayed open this March during its “Vas Madness” promotion

: 3

Factor by which U.S. entrepreneurs are more likely than the general population to have dyslexia

: 2

Percentage of U.S. corporations that will reduce or end matching contributions to employee 401(k) accounts this year

: 29

Percentage of unemployed Americans who are not currently eligible to collect unemployment benefits

: 42

Number of homeless people on a waiting list to move into a tent city in Pinellas County, Florida

: 62

Amount by which the total wealth of all American households declined last year

: $11,200,000,000,000

Amount of money the FDIC has spent since July 2008 to insure deposits at failed U.S. banks

: $20,160,000,000

Percentage of U.S. charities and non-profits whose funding declined last year

: 52

Number of applications that a middle school in Massillon, Ohio, received for a janitorial job opening in March

: 835

Height, in feet, of a stack of dollar bills constructed with the average bonus at one of Wall Street’s largest firms

: 76

Percentage of U.S. millionaires who said in January that they may be unable to maintain their current lifestyle

: 55

Percentage change in the Dow Jones Industrial Average sixty days into Barack Obama’s presidency

: ???8.4

Average number of years after an individual is named to the Forbes 400 that he or she will fall off the list

: 8

Month in which, for the first time, more automobiles were sold in China than in the United States

: 1/09

Minimum number of executives since January 2008 who have been held hostage by striking French workers

: 15

Minimum number of inherited slaves currently owned in Niger

: 43,000

Estimated percentage of all guns recovered from crime scenes in Mexico that can be traced to U.S. gun shops

: 90

Number of infants the World Bank estimates will die over the next seven years because of the financial crisis

: 1,400,000

Minimum number of countries where there have been food riots during the past two years

: 30

Percentage change in the value of world stock markets since 2000

: ???37
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