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Percentage of U.S. [Teenager|teens] who say they are “completely satisfied‚” with themselves

: 30

Percentage of Americans who think their lives serve “an important purpose‚”

: 94

Minimum per-capita [Finance|debt] that [Iceland|Iceland] owes to foreign depositors as a result of its [Banking|banking] collapse

: $19,100

Amount [Italy|Italy] spent last year to bail out its Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano [Cheese|cheese] industries

: $65,000,000

Last year in which total world trade shrank, before it did so in 2008

: 1982

Number of months since record keeping began in [1940s|1947] that U.S. consumer prices declined as steeply as in [November|November] 2008

: 0

Percentage of them who were a month or more behind on their payments six months after the relief

: 55

Minimum number of U.S. [Housing|homeowners] whose [Banking|banks] improved their mortgage terms in the first quarter of last year

: 73,000

Number of [Days|days] in [November|November] that a [Family|family] [Agriculture|farm] near [Denver|Denver] opened up its fields for free picking

: 1

Date by which the head of [Russia|Russia]’s foreign-service academy says the United States will have totally disintegrated

: 7/4/2010

Number of [Days|days] by which the median age of [Europe|Europe] increases each week

: 2

Number of countries in which the group has aired them

: 23

Number of serialized [Television|TV] and [Radio|radio] melodramas in favor of population control produced by a [Vermont|Vermont] group

: 18

Average number watched by those aged 26 to 42 and those aged [Teenager|14 to 25], respectively

: 15, 11

Average number of [Hours|hours] of [Television|television] watched per week by Americans aged 43 to 61

: 19

Years in [Prison|prison] to which he might be sentenced at his upcoming trial

: 38

Extra points that a [California|California] [Student|student] added to his GPA last year by hacking into a school [Computer|computer]

: 1.9

Chance that a U.S. high-school [Student|student] says he or she has [Crime|stolen] something from a store in the past year

: 1 in 3

Percentage of residents of former Communist-bloc nations who say they live better now than in [1980s|1989]

: 30

Total number of [Gun|guns] that five of the six candidates for RNC chairman bragged about owning during their [January|January] debate

: 22

Number of the candidates who said he had “too many to count‚”

: 1

Amount an undisclosed buyer offered the [Minneapolis|Minneapolis]–St. Paul [AirTravel|airport] last year for the [Mendacity|Larry Craig] [Homosexuality|bathroom stall]

: $5,000

Number of times that Caroline [JohnFKennedy|Kennedy] said “you know‚” during a 45-minute interview with the [NewYorkTimes|New York Times]

: 138

Number of different occupations that [Barbie|Barbie] has held during her 50-year run

: 108

[Days|Days] after going on sale that tickets to [July|July]’s National [Barbie|Barbie] Doll Collectors Convention [Business|sold] out

: 2

Minimum number of nations that currently have plans to build a [Folly|Ferris wheel] larger than the current record holder

: 3

Number of exotic [AquaticLife|marine animals] that a new [Dubai|Dubai] hotel keeps in its 3 million gallons of [Folly|decorative tanks]

: 65,000

Pounds of “restaurant-quality‚” [Fish|seafood] the [Animal|animals] are fed each day

: 485

Price, at a [Iceland|Reykjavík] [Food|restaurant], of a [Whale|whale] kebab called “Moby Dick on a Stick”

: $9

Percentage of the estimated total population of extraterritorial U.S. [Prison|prisons] that is held at Guant?namo

: 1

Average rating they assigned the same shock when they believed it to be intentional

: 3.6

Average pain rating, on a scale of 1 to 7, given by study participants to a shock they believed to be unintentional

: 3.0

Number of people [Death|killed] by [Hamas|Hamas] rocket attacks since 2001

: 28

Estimated total [War|fired] into [Israel|Israel] by [Palestine|Palestinians] last year

: 40,000

Estimated total, in pounds, of explosives dropped by [Israel|Israel] on [Palestine|Gaza] during the first week of this [Winter|winter]’s attack

: 40,000

Percentage of [PTSD|PTSD] patients in an earlier study who reported improvement after taking Zoloft

: 53

Number of twenty [PTSD|PTSD] patients in a 2008 study who reported significant improvement after being treated with [Drugs|ecstasy]

: 20

Chance that a U.S. [GulfWar|Gulf War] [Veterans|veteran] still suffers from “[Disease|Gulf War illness]‚” according to a federal panel

: 1 in 4

Per-capita reparations required of [Germany|Germany] in the Treaty of Versailles

: $2,400
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