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Number of times between [1950s|1956] and 2007 it did this

: 17

Year that the U.S. [Finance|stock market] first regained its [1920s|1929] pre-crash peak

: 1954

Profit that the [FederalGovernment|federal government] made in [1980s|1983] on stock obtained in its [1970s|1979] bailout of [Chrysler|Chrysler]

: $311,000,000

Projected percentage change in the number of U.S. [Driving|new-auto dealerships] this year

: ???8

Percentage of Americans who say they would not buy a [Driving|car] from an automaker in [Business|bankruptcy]

: 94

Amount that [GeneralMotors|GM]’s car-loan [Business|business] lost during the first nine months of 2008

: $2,700,000,000

Annual percentage interest rate that [Venezuela|Venezuela] charged [Argentina|Argentina] for a $1 billion loan last [August|August]

: 15

Number of times in 2008 that the [SP500|S&P 500] closed up or down 5 percent in a single day

: 17

Number of the four [RepublicanParty|Republican]-primary “rivals‚” in [AbrahamLincoln|Abraham Lincoln]’s cabinet who left by the end of his first term

: 3

Percentage discount it was offering first-time visitors last [December|December]

: 50

Months into his first term that [AbrahamLincoln|Lincoln] told a friend his cabinet was “on the brink of destruction‚”

: 21

Rank of [BarackObama|Barack Obama]’s [Democracy|election] among the “biggest day[s] ever in the history of [Advertising|marketing],‚” according to an Ad Age columnist

: 1

Rank of [RockMusic|Guns N’ Roses’] [China|Chinese] Democracy among “music’s most anticipated album[s] ever,‚” [Mendacity|according] to its [Propaganda|ad campaign]

: 1

Rank the album held on the [Music|Billboard charts] in the first and second weeks of its release, respectively

: 3, 18

Amount for which TV Guide was [Business|sold] in [October|October]

: $1

Year in which [Bhutan|Bhutan]’s king instituted “Gross National Happiness‚” as a leading indicator

: 1972

Percentage of [Bhutan|Bhutanese] who are currently happy, according to the country’s new pilot [Polling|survey]

: 68

Pounds of [Ice|ice], sculpted into the word [Economy|economy], that [Art|artists] used last [Fall|fall] to create a “literal meltdown‚” in [Manhattan|Manhattan]

: 1,500

Estimated total value in [December|December] 2007 of the [Family|family] fortune of [NewYorkTimes|Thomas Friedman’s] [Marriage|wife]

: $3,500,000,000

Percentage change in the value of that fortune since then

: ???97

Percentage of [Adultery|unfaithful] [Women|female] multimillionaires who say they plan to spend less on their paramours this year

: 15

Percentage of unfaithful [Men|male] multimillionaires who say this

: 82

Standard hourly rate at [Manhattan|Manhattan]’s Liberty Inn, whose slogan is “Your Rendezvous for [Sex|Romance]‚”

: $30

Date on which the group was first posted to

: 3/7/2008

Number of members of the “Impeach [BarackObama|Obama]‚” [Facebook|Facebook] group as of last [December|December]

: 8,479

Price for one [WashingtonDC|D.C.] hotel’s “Eco-Inaugural‚” package, which includes use of a Lexus hybrid and a [Driving|driver] for four [Days|days]

: $40,000

Minimum number of Amish households in Lancaster County, [Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania], that use electricity generated by solar power

: 2,000

Number that turned out to be spam

: 557

Number of applications submitted last [Fall|fall] for a $10,000 collegiate “blogging scholarship‚”

: 1,902

Percentage of U.S. school districts that have banned bake sales due to [Obesity|anti-obesity] regulations

: 29

Percentage by which [Sweets|chewing gum] reduces anxiety during conditions of mild to moderate stress

: 12

Chance that an American [SeniorCitizen|over 65] has no natural [Dentist|teeth]

: 1 in 4

Minimum number of Americans since [January|January] 2008 who have purchased stem-cell therapy for their [Dog|dogs]

: 1,196

Number currently on the waiting list

: 50

Number of [Iraq|Iraqi] stray [Dog|dogs] that Operation [Baghdad|Baghdad] Pups has helped [Immigration|emigrate] to the United States since 2003

: 66

Chances that a nation with known stockpiles of cluster bombs did

: 2 in 5

Number of world nations that signed a treaty banning cluster bombs last [December|December]

: 94

Percentage of [Russia|Russians] who say one goal of U.S. foreign policy is “the complete destruction of Russia‚”

: 43

Date on which [Venezuela|Venezuela] and [Russia|Russia] conducted a joint naval exercise in the Caribbean

: 12/1/08
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