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Number of seats won by [DemocraticParty|Democrats] and [RepublicanParty|Republicans], respectively

: 46, 56

Percentage change since 2000 in the average amount U.S. workers spend on out-of-pocket [HealthCare|medical expenses]

: +93

Estimated amount the U.S. would save each year on paperwork if it adopted single-payer [HealthCare|health care]

: $161,000,000,000

Average for those who are career bureaucrats

: 70

Average performance rating, on a scale of 1 to 100, of top U.S. government managers who are political appointees

: 62

Average amount it costs [Business|U.S. companies] to process a query through a [Telecommunications|call center]

: $6.62

Chance that the [CEO|CEO] will quit or be [Business|fired] within eighteen months

: 1 in 2

Average amount the companies spend on each search

: $2,000,000

Percentage of [Business|U.S. CEO vacancies] that are filled from outside the company

: 40

Average percentage by which U.S. [Senate|senators]’ investments outperform the [Finance|stock market] each year

: 12

Chances that a U.S. [Business|company] settling a corporate [Crime|crime] case will illegally deduct some or all of the settlement to the [IRS|IRS]

: 3 in 5

Percentage change since [1990s|1999] in federal prosecutions of [Wealth|white-collar] [Crime|crime]

: ???25

Number of workplace arrests made by U.S. [Immigration|immigration] authorities in [1990s|1997]

: 17,554

Margin by which total votes for Democrats in the last three Senate elections exceeded those for Republicans

: 2,900,000

Percentage of U.S. [RepublicanParty|conservatives] who report having experienced d?j? vu

: 63

Percentage of [DemocraticParty|liberals] who do

: 74

Minimum number of [Iraq|Iraq] war [Veterans|veterans] who have declared they are running for [Congress|Congress] this year

: 11

Number of these who are [DemocraticParty|Democrats]

: 9

Percentage of Americans who say that fighting [Terrorism|terrorism] should be one of the nation’s top two priorities

: 6

Number of people whom Coalition forces have imprisoned in [Iraq|Iraq] at some point since [March|March] 2003

: 48,526

Percentage of these who have been convicted of a [Crime|crime]

: 1.5

Portion of [Prison|prison] inmates in [Mozambique|Mozambique] who have been tried in a court of law

: 1/4

Average number of civilian [Policing|policemen] per every thousand square miles of [Darfur|Darfur], [Sudan|Sudan]

: 7

Number of patrons who borrowed each

: 8

[Minutes|Minutes] that the library in Malmö, [Sweden|Sweden], “lent‚” a [Homosexuality|gay] [Men|man] and a [Islam|Muslim] cleric for conversation last [Fall|fall]

: 45

Year that a [Hinduism|Hindu] nationalist party in [India|India] rechristened [Holiday|Valentines] Day “[Prostitute|Prostitution] Day‚”

: 2005

Price for a [Sex|vibrator] that plugs into an [Entertainment|iPod] and “stimulates you in time with your favorite music‚”

: ?29.99

Monthly fee to add a “ [Sex|virtual girlfriend] ‚” game to an Ericsson [Telecommunications|mobile phone]

: $5

Chance that a [Boy|boy] in a U.S. high school plays [Sport|cards for money] at least once a week

: 1 in 9

Minimum number of American [Education|colleges] and universities that offer programs in [Entertainment|video-game design]

: 82

Number of registered U.S. teams in the World Adult [Sport|Kickball] Association

: 650

Estimated amount spent in the United States each year to treat ACL injuries in [Dog|dogs]

: $1,320,000,000

[Hours|Hours] later that the sparrow was executed

: 1.5

Number of dominoes that a wayward [Bird|sparrow] toppled just before a [Netherlands|Dutch] world-record attempt in [November|November]

: 23,000

Percentage of the air-ambulance [AirTravel|helicopters] in the U.S. that have crashed since 2000

: 10

Percentage change since [1990s|1996] in the amount that [Business|drug] companies spend on direct-to-consumer [Advertising|advertising]

: +420

Projected number it will count in 2050

: 1,149,500

Number of [SeniorCitizen|centenarians] that the [Census|U.S. census] counted in 2000

: 50,740

Factor by which the total amount that U.S. [SeniorCitizen|pension] plans have invested in [Economics|hedge funds] today exceeds that in [1990s|1990]

: 100
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