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A Climate of Fear

The free speech skeptics abandon Salman Rushdie

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The European Way to Die

On euthanasia and assisted suicide

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Operation Overshare

How the White House misled Ukraine

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Birds of a Feather

What exactly does the Endangered Species Act protect?

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The Business of Scenery

Why America’s national parks need new management

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The Money Question

Is Trump right about the Fed?

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Brutal from the Beginning

The truth about everyone’s favorite strongman

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More Than a Data Dump

Why Julian Assange deserves First Amendment protection

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“Tell Me How This Ends”

America’s muddled involvement with Syria

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Donald Trump Is a Good President

One foreigner’s perspective

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Preservation Acts

Toward an ethical archive of the web

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A Matter of Degrees

America’s long struggle with affirmative action

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Security Breach

Trump’s tussle with the bureaucratic state

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American Duce

Is Donald Trump a fascist or a plutocrat?

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Suing for Justice

Your lawsuits are good for America

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The Nixon of the North

How Stephen Harper ruined Canada

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Why We Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan

A general’s account of the military’s mistakes

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Armed and Dangerous

The inexorable rise of American militarism

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Dissolve Congress

A cure for constitutional crisis

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Changing Partners

Can Hassan Rohani end the Iranian impasse?

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September 2024

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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