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The Spy

On seeing without being seen

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My Generation

Anthem for a forgotten cohort

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Doctor’s Orders

COVID-19 and the new science wars

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Doing the Work

The Protestant ethic and the spirit of wokeness

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The Age of the Crisis of Work

What is the sound of quiet quitting?

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The Melancholy Universe

Michael H. Parkinson reappears on the No. 56 streetcar

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Truth Takes a Vacation

Trumpism and the American philosophical tradition

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In the Running

The trials of an almost candidate

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Courting Disaster

Why liberals should give up on the judiciary

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One Manner of Law

The religious origins of American liberalism

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Empire Burlesque

What comes after the American Century?

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Permanent Pandemic

Will COVID controls keep controlling us?

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In the Land of Living Skies

Reacquainting ourselves with the night

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The Eros Monster

Breaking free without breaking up

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Routine Maintenance

Embracing habit in an automated world

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A Posthumous Shock

How everything became trauma

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The Portrait Gallery

What the American Academy of Arts and Letters taught me about death

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The Third Force

On stupidity and transcendence

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Men in Dark Times

How Hannah Arendt’s fans misread the post-truth presidency

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History As End

1619, 1776, and the politics of the past

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A Complicating Energy

Notes on a year without strangers

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When Children Die

Tragedies in the margins of history

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October 2024

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