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Portion of debt-ceiling elevations since 1960 that have been signed into law by Republican presidents

: 2/3

Portion of federal financial aid that goes to such schools

: 1/4

Portion of America’s college students who attend for-profit schools

: 1/10

Percentage of U.S. college grades that are A’s

: 43

Chance that a person will remember something if he thinks he can look it up later

: 1 in 5

Portion of non-interest federal spending that is dedicated to programs for the elderly

: 1/3

Amount an unemployed Utah man is charging for the opportunity to hunt and kill him

: $10,000

Portion of the Indian Ocean that is underexplored by scientists because of pirates

: 1/4

Number of people killed in Ecuador since July by bootleg liquor

: 35

Estimated number of Syrians killed during pro-democracy protests since March

: 1,700

Percentage of Egyptians who say they want the new government to amend or abandon the Camp David accords

: 70

Percentage of millionaires who said in a July survey that they are concerned about global unrest

: 94

Price for an iPad case made out of Bernie Madoff’s Polo Ralph Lauren blue chinos

: $350

Average amount the tooth fairy left for a tooth in 2010, according to a survey by Visa

: $3

Average so far in 2011

: $2.60

Percentage of the current U.S. debt that was accumulated during Republican presidential terms

: 71

Percentage of profits American corporations paid in taxes in 1961

: 40.6

Portion of the increase in U.S. corporate profit margins since 2001 that has come from depressed wages

: 3/4

Percentage of Americans who say they did not have money to buy food at all times last year

: 18.2

Percentage change in the median household wealth of white families since 2005

: ???16

Number of minors sent back to Mexico by U.S. immigration authorities in 2010

: 20,438

Percentage who were sent unaccompanied by an adult

: 57

Percentage of the world’s population that could fit in Texas by living with the population density of New York City

: 100

Estimated value of government subsidies that will go to the oil and gas industries between now and 2015

: $78,155,000,000

Percentage of Americans in a July poll who said they approve of God’s job performance

: 52

For a well-qualified atheist

: 49

Percentage of Americans who say they would vote for a well-qualified homosexual candidate for president

: 67

Percentage of Americans who believe China has passed or will pass the United States as the world’s leading superpower

: 46

Percentage of public-sector workers who believe this

: 44

Percentage of private-sector workers who believe that public-sector workers receive better benefits

: 60

Number of U.S. states in which less than 20 percent of adults are obese

: 0

Chance that an American fast-food customer uses posted calorie information to make food-buying decisions

: 1 in 6

Percent increase in armed robberies at pharmacies since 2006

: 81

Who believe it improves their sexual encounters

: 1/3

Portion of college students who believe alcohol improves their ability to tell jokes

: 3/4
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