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Number of pages in the bills that created Social Security and the Federal Trade Commission, respectively

: 29, 8

Total number of pages in the financial reform bill enacted by Congress in July

: 848

Date on which an evangelical Christian congregation in Gainesville, Florida, scheduled a Koran burning at its church

: 9/11/10

Date on which its state legislature approved a referendum to ban judges from using shari’ah law in their decisions

: 5/24/10

Percentage of Oklahoma’s population that is Muslim

: 0.81

Number so far who have been willing to do so

: 14

Date that United Farm Workers began “Take Our Jobs,” a campaign asking legal U.S. residents to work as farm laborers

: 6/24/10

Chance that a U.S. worker plans to change jobs when the recession ends

: 1 in 3

Percentage of municipal workers in Maywood, California, who were laid off in July

: 100

Percentage of all U.S. railway freight cars that are currently in storage

: 23

Percentage of all revenue earned by S&P 500 companies last year that came from outside the United States

: 47

Net change in the amount of money kept in U.S. stock-based mutual funds since 2007

: ???$249,400,000,000

Percentage of this year’s federal budget deficit attributable to Bush-era tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

: 38

Date on which the Oakland Police stopped responding to burglaries not in progress due to a budget shortfall

: 8/2/10

Date on which the Xinglong Big Family Mall in Shenyang, China, opened a “venting store” for women

: 3/8/10

Minimum amount a woman must spend in the mall to enter the store and destroy household furniture and electronics

: $6

Percentage change in sales of birth control for women in the United States since 2007

: +13

Chance that a Briton who has sent a sexually explicit text message has sent one to the wrong person

: 1 in 5

Price of a lingerie calendar produced by the Czech Public Affairs Party featuring twelve female members of parliament

: $20.73

Percentage of Americans who say they would have cosmetic surgery if they could afford it

: 69

Percentage increase in the number of U.S. buttock-augmentation surgeries performed since 2008

: 37

Inches by which the average width of a seat in a U.S. performing-arts theater has increased since 1990

: 1

Percentage change since 2008 in the number of Americans who say they exercise regularly

: +6

Percentage change in the number who are obese

: 0

Number of different Halloween costumes a San Diego company markets for sale as “sassy & sexy”

: 51

Date on which a Dutch porn star pledged to “give a BJ” to her Twitter followers if the Netherlands won the World Cup

: 6/28/10

Number of people who signed up to follow her between then and the World Cup final

: 105,269

Number of the world’s ten largest banks that were Chinese-owned in 2000 and 2010, respectively

: 0, 4

Chances that a Chinese criminal prosecution will result in a guilty verdict

: 9 in 10

Chance that an American adult is either incarcerated, on probation, or on parole

: 1 in 31

Percentage of the officers’ 266,000 referrals since 2006 that led to arrests

: 0.7

Estimated number of “behavior detection officers” employed in U.S. airports to spot potentially dangerous travelers

: 3,000

Number of instances in which the New York Times characterized the practice of waterboarding as torture before 2004

: 44

Number prosecuted under the Bush Administration

: 0

Minimum number of people prosecuted so far by the Obama Administration for leaking classified documents

: 4

Number awarded to pilots of manned aircraft during that time

: 1,408

Number of Aerial Achievement Medals awarded by the Air Force to drone operators since January 2009

: 3,497

Percentage who said NATO was there to destroy Islam

: 9

Percentage of Afghans in a July survey who said they believed NATO forces were in Afghanistan to rebuild the country

: 1
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