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Median percentage of respondents who said the same thing about George W. Bush in March 2008

: 17

Amount that one House Democrat on the Banking Committee lost in a stock scam between 2000 and 2005

: $3,000,000

Percentage rate of U.S. obesity that the Department of Health and Human Services says it hopes to achieve by 2011

: 15

Number of U.S. states where less than 20 percent of the population is currently obese

: 1

Number of U.S. states where the obesity rate declined last year

: 0

Average number of calories by which Americans underestimate the total in a hamburger and fries

: 463

Number of the past 22 months in which the U.S. pork industry has lost money

: 20

Estimated percentage change since 2003 in the number of Christians living in Iraq

: ???60

Median percentage of people in 21 nations surveyed who trust President Obama to “do the right thing” in world affairs

: 71

Portion of China’s stimulus spending that will go toward infrastructure projects

: 2/5

Number of times Bush and Obama, respectively, used the word “evil” during their first six months as president

: 18, 14

Percentage of unintended U.S. pregnancies that are carried to term

: 43

Percentage of U.S. pregnancies that the mothers report to be unintended

: 47

Percentage change since last year in the number of Americans looking into sperm or egg donation

: +40

Minimum number of Americans named either John or Jane Doe

: 212

Number of online virtual worlds that have been created for children and teenagers

: 112

Percentage of U.S. Internet users aged 11 or younger who will participate in such virtual worlds this year

: 37

Portion of its highway rest areas that Virginia is closing this year

: 1/2

Percentage of their countries’ respective GDPs that the U.S. and Chinese recession stimulus packages represent

: 6, 13

Percentage of Americans who could be sent to medical school in China this year on the total U.S. health spending

: 100

Minimum number of “barefoot doctors” that China trained between 1965 and 1985

: 1,500,000

Years that China’s current minister of health worked as one

: 1

Number of U.S. states in which laws exist that require children to pay for the medical care of indigent parents

: 30

Minimum number of U.S. states where nursing homes have used these provisions to sue children of nonpaying residents

: 2

Percentage of patients diagnosed by doctors as “vegetative” that a Belgian study found to be minimally conscious

: 40

Percentage change since 2008 in the number of U.S. households planting gardens

: +19

Percentage of the gardeners who say the recession has figured in their planting

: 62

Chance a U.S. household that owns a Prius also owns an SUV

: 1 in 3

Average number of inches by which high tides in Philadelphia exceeded normal during June

: 12

Chance that a merchant ship worldwide is currently unused due to declining trade

: 1 in 12

Amount New York City spends each year on air, bus, and train tickets to send homeless people out of town

: $500,000

Percentage by which the number of new Washington, D.C., speed bumps so far in 2009 exceeds the last three years’ combined

: 17

Number of spam emails sent for every one that receives a response

: 12,414,000

Estimated number of U.S. adults who believe the media did not adequately cover Michael Jackson’s death

: 6,500,000

Years after his escape that Pepe, a hippopotamus from Pablo Escobar’s collection, was hunted down and killed in July

: 3

Price for which North Carolina drug dealers are selling “ecstasy” tablets in the shape of Barack Obama’s face

: $10

Portion of each tablet that is actually caffeine

: 1/2

Percentage of unemployed Americans who take a nap each day

: 39

Percentage of employed Americans who do

: 31
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