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Percentage points by which [GeorgeHWBush|George Bush Sr.’s] approval rating in [August|August] [1990s|1991] exceeded [GeorgeWBush|his son’s] last August

: 11

Number of [USMilitary|U.S. troops] who have died in [Afghanistan|Afghanistan] and [Iraq|Iraq] in the last two years

: 354

Year in which [DonaldRumsfeld|Donald Rumsfeld] gave [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein] a pair of [Gold|golden] spurs

: 1983

Years after the [Watergate|Watergate] break-in that deputy campaign director Jeb Magruder admitted hearing President [RichardNixon|Nixon] order it

: 30

Number of [Virginia|Virginia] [RepublicanParty|Republican Party] officials fined this year for eavesdropping on [DemocraticParty|Democratic Party] conference calls

: 3

Number of [DemocraticParty|Democratic] legislators absent for this year’s 213-210 vote restricting workers’ [Labor|overtime-pay] eligibility

: 7

Year in which House [RepublicanParty|Republicans] thrice rejected an amendment to upgrade the U.S. [Energy|electrical] grid

: 2001

Number of U.S. states that require [Energy|energy] companies to derive a percentage of their output from alternative sources

: 13

Minimum number of U.S. states where tuition at one or more [Education|public universities] will be raised by at least 20 percent this year

: 7

Chances that [Agriculture|farmed salmon] contains [Pollution|PCB] levels that are 4 times higher than those found in [Meat|beef]

: 7 in 10

Rank of [Sudan|Sudan] and [Belgium|Belgium], respectively, among 122 countries assessed for water quality

: 118, 122

Ratio of [Liberia|Liberia’s] [GDP|GDP] last year to the amount Americans [Folly|spent] on [Sport|skis]

: 1:1

Number of the [UnitedNations|U.N.’s] 15 ongoing peacekeeping missions that have been in operation for at least a decade

: 8

Percentage of [Judaism|Jewish] settlers in the [Israel|West Bank and Gaza] who say they would relocate if compensated

: 83

Percentage of [Palestine|Palestinians] in [Refugee|refugee] camps who say that given a choice they would live nowhere but [Israel|Israel]

: 10

Percentage of [Iraq|Iraqis] who said in [July|July] that they would rather live under the Americans than under [SaddamHussein|Saddam Hussein]

: 29

Percentage change in the number of [Colombia|Colombians] [Death|killed] or disappeared since the U.S. implemented Plan Colombia

: +33

Chance that a [London|Londoner] believes that epilepsy is caused by “[Religion|evil spirits]”

: 1 in 20

Percentage of U.S. [Doctor|doctors] who say they have not told patients about a treatment because their [Insurance|insurance] didn’t cover it

: 31

Percentage of [Botswana|Botswanans] requiring highly active anti-retroviral therapy for whom it is available on request

: 100

Age at which a [Missouri|Missouri] [Basketball|basketball] prodigy was welcomed into “the Reebok [Family|family]” last [May|May]

: 3

Estimated market value of the usable [Medicine|body parts] of an adult human

: $46,000,000

Percentage of Americans who will save less than $100 on their 2006 federal [Taxes|taxes] as a result of this year’s tax cut

: 88

Percentage of this payment that Xerox will cover

: 100

Amount in “disgorgement” that the [Finance|SEC] has ordered a former Xerox [CEO|CEO] to pay in connection with alleged fraud

: $7,600,000

Years before [Enron|Enron] declared [Bankruptcy|bankruptcy] in 2001 that the [IRS|IRS] asked the [Finance|SEC] to investigate the firm

: 2.5

Months before [September11|September 11, 2001], that [DickCheney|Dick Cheney’s] [Energy|Energy] Task Force investigated [Iraq|Iraq’s] [Oil|oil] resources

: 6

Rank of last year among those in which the largest number of federal records were [Espionage|officially classified]

: 1

Percentage of Americans who believe that [GeorgeWBush|George W. Bush] was legitimately elected president

: 54

Reelection campaign funds raised by [GeorgeWBush|Bush] Sr. as of [June|June] [1990s|1991] and by his son as of last June, respectively

: $0, $67,687,000
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