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Number of national parliaments that have a greater percentage of [Feminism|female members] than the [Congress|U.S. Congress]

: 71

Date on which the proposed [Europe|EU] constitution was taken into [Space|space]

: 4/15/05

Portion of the [Germany|German] [CatholicFaith|Catholic] Church’s income that derives from a government [Taxes|tax] on members

: 1/2

Total value of bets taken by a [Britain|U.K.] [Literature|bookmaker] this [Spring|spring] on the identity of the [BenedictXVI|new pope]

: ?50,000

Number of the fifteen previous [BenedictXVI|Pope Benedicts] who were eventually deposed

: 4

Number of U.S. [Education|public-school] districts that have adopted a class in which the [Christianity|Bible] is the primary textbook

: 301

Percentage of [BillFrist|Bill Frist] ’s [Medicine|medical-school] class that sent him a letter accusing him of [Mendacity|misusing] his [Education|degree]

: 18

Rank, in the current line of succession to the [UnitedStates|U.S. Presidency], of the first [Christianity|non-Christian]

: 16

Number of America’s nine “[FoundingFathers|Founding Fathers]‚” who denied the divinity of [JesusChrist|Jesus]

: 7

Minimum number of illegitimate [Child|children] had by the nine

: 9

Number of former members of [Congress|Congress] or federal-agency heads who are now [Hypocrisy|lobbyists]

: 240

Number of [SaudiArabia|Saudi] [Men|men] who were [Prison|imprisoned] and [Torture|flogged] for “ [Homosexuality|behaving like women] ‚” at a party in [March|March]

: 100

Price for a set of six [Transportation|Harley Davidson] –brand votive candles

: $19.95

Price, from a [Florida|Florida] company, for an [Housing|RV] that protects riders from [WMD|biological and chemical attack]

: $1,200,000

Percentage of the 651 fatal or wounding [Terrorism|terrorist] attacks worldwide last year that took place in [Iraq|Iraq]

: 32

Percentage that took place in [India|India]

: 44

Average number of [UnitedStates|Americans] injured on [Entertainment|amusement-park] rides each year

: 7,900

Chance that a four-to-six-year-old U.S. [Boy|boy] plays [Sport|video games] every day

: 1 in 4

Number of previous [Baseball|baseball] seasons that [WashingtonDC|Washington, D.C.], fielded a professional team

: 89

Year that the first [Space|planet] outside our solar system was discovered

: 1995

Estimated amount spent lobbying [Congress|Congress] last year

: $3,000,000,000

Total value of [Congress|congressional] earmarks to appropriations bills last year

: $32,700,000,000

Factor by which this exceeded the amount in [1990s|1998]

: 3

Minimum amount that members of [Congress|Congress] have paid their own relatives since 2001

: $3,000,000

Number of [UnitedStates|Americans] who spend more than a quarter of their income on [HealthCare|health care]

: 14,300,000

Estimated amount that [Immigration|illegal immigrants] pay into [SocialSecurity|Social Security] each year

: $6,400,000,000

Average percentage of the [Britain|U.K.] population that Britons believe to be [Immigration|immigrants]

: 21

Amount slated to be spent by 2007 to build a [Entertainment|theme park] in honor of [Literature|Charles Dickens]

: ?62,000,000

Number of free copies of [Literature|Don Quixote] being distributed by the [Venezuela|Venezuelan] government this year

: 1,000,000

Tons of [Pollution|CO2] emissions that would be replaced each year by a proposed [Energy|windmill] project on [LongIsland|Long Island]

: 235,000

Tons produced each year by a single [AirTravel|jumbo jet] making a round-trip trans-[AtlanticOcean|Atlantic] [AirTravel|flight] daily

: 210,000

Minimum number of [Exxon|Exxon Mobil]-funded groups that have disputed mainstream [Science|scientific] findings on [GlobalWarming|climate change]

: 31

Percentage of U.S. [Transportation|auto travel] that occurs on two-lane roads

: 28

Percentage of [Transportation|traffic fatalities] that do

: 52

Mass, in tons, of a comet that [NASA|NASA] plans to ram with a [Space|spacecraft] on the Fourth of [July|July]

: 1,000,000,000

Total cost of the mission, called “Deep Impact‚”

: $330,000,000

Chances that it had a losing record

: 4 in 5
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