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Publisher’s Note

American Disease

Eugene O’Neill’s genius lay in his dialogue.

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For Joe Biden

The Biden Administration has a selling point that is even less visible than the withdrawal from Afghanistan: the antitrust campaign by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission…

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Is NATO Necessary?

Needless to say, the Russian dictator prefers Trump.

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Will Trump Become a Dictator?

Hitler committed high treason; Trump stuck with incitement.

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One-State Solution

Absurd? Utopian? Not more so than “the two-state solution,” which has become a cynical trap advocated by hypocrites.

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Violence in Pictures

“Of course, I advocate for ‘reality’ as much as possible, in the hope that exposure to violence, especially to the real consequences of war by way of brutal images that…

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A Digital Coup

"Zuckerberg fancies himself the pharaoh of the Web. He uses it to act beyond all regulatory limits, in defiance of national borders and democratic principles."

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A Cloistered France

"The new security perimeter at the Eiffel Tower, designed by architect Dietmar Feichtinger, is intended to be transparent—literally. But it is also a delusion."

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The New Roosevelt?

“What is Biden’s actual record? Will he be reelected simply because his name isn’t Trump?”

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News from Mexico

“According to the neoliberal dogma of Mexican president Carlos Salinas de Gortari, American presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, everyone had something…

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The End of Bernie

“Since arriving at the White House, Joe Biden has done nothing but marginalize his main rival in the Democratic Party.”

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“A computer screen can act as a window on the world, but it can also lock you in a sort of monotonous and nonsensical prison.”

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America’s political and cultural divide is widening along with the gap between the ultrarich and everyone else.

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“Trump is morally and constitutionally illiterate—a vile plutocrat—but he is no evil genius.”

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Paris Memories

“That’s a loss for Americans, who, in any case, hardly know how to make a subtle or nuanced film anymore.”

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Civilization in Peril

“The former president is but a symptom of a deeper degradation in the body politic.”

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A Different Kind of Politician

As Arenas told me, “when something is cheap, someone somewhere is paying for it.”

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Live from the War

“So much cruelty could have been avoided with a modicum of understanding of the realities of war.”

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“Small” Disasters

“The damage done to Kyiv and Mariupol is visible to the naked eye, but many other horrors continue in the shadows when a big crisis takes over the media.”

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The Fate of Ukraine

While I am one of the critics who saw NATO expansion into former Soviet bloc countries as a dangerous provocation to Vladimir Putin, I’m stunned by his savagery, and by…

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“The barbarians of January 6 clearly had no idea what they wanted to achieve. It was a matter of fierce resentment boiling over—what philosopher Jacques Rancière calls ‘shared hating.’”

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“Le Monde” of Today

“How best to respond to the threat from the extreme right, given the sudden rise of Zemmour, whose level of support verges on 14 percent?”

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“I’m sure a good number of people found that scene to be amusing and saw Biden’s little doze as an apt illustration of the President’s difficulties in achieving his aims.”

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Biden Turns Trumpist on Tariffs

“How to explain the Democrats’ sudden switch from free-trade dogma to free-trade restrictions?”

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Six Minutes of Silence

I would have preferred those few moments of silent reflection to be multiplied by ten, if only to encourage the political and media leadership to shut up and think about…

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“Would Henri Alleg’s La question have been published—would it have seen the light of day—without Jérôme Lindon’s moral fortitude?“

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The Fall of Baghdad

The United States must decide who gets left behind

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Toe the Line

“I get impatient reading too many points of view that are similar to my own.”

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“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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